3 Ways to Boost Facebook Group Engagement


Everyone and their mother wants a boost of engagement. 

Engagement creates opportunities.

It can help you to seamlessly generate leads and a ready-to-buy audience.

You know those followers or Facebook Group members that slide into your DM’s asking you for help?

Better yet, those that are throwing their credit cards at you because they want to work with you?

Well, the more QUALITY engagement you have, the easier it is to build relationships with your audience.

This creates trust. Duh! 

When your audience is engaging with your content, that means that they are also more likely to see your content because… the algorithm. 

Let me give you the sip on boosting engagement. 


We are talking Facebook Group engagement, but you can technically apply some of this to other platforms as well.


Relationship building 101.


Boost Past Posts.


Friends, this will take you less than 5 minutes per day.

Go back to past posts that performed well. 

Timeline? These posts can be from years ago.

You can check in with Facebook Group members that commented on those posts to see how they are enjoying the Group.

However, you can also just put, “BUMP” with a fun emoji in the comments. 

Guess what will happen?

The algorithm will boost that post in front of your audience. 

As silly and as simple as it may sound, why does it have to be overcomplicated?

OH! Because social media loves to make everything overly complicated. 

All of the crazy strategies and tactics that are beyond generic just don’t work for everyone.

You need to connect or REconnect with your audience.

Go back through past posts and give it a boost to spark conversation.

What is up with everyone expecting massive content creation and zero conversations to create a booming business with crazy engagement? 

Mind blowing. 

Engagement is a two way street. 

You want more engagement? ENGAGE!

This will work with Facebook Groups, but if you’re on Instagram, then the next tip is going to be perfect for you. Just make a few tweaks to the approach. 


Follow Up.


Remember that relationship you were building in the comments with that person in your Facebook Group?

Yes, Sally Smith.

Go back and ask Sally Smith if she’s seen one of your most recent posts.

Find a piece of content you created and send her the URL in your follow up message.


Let Sally Smith know that you were thinking about her when you wrote that and to let you know what she thinks. 

Sally Smith may not have seen that post. 

What if Sally Smith doesn’t reply? Oh no! 


The sip doesn’t disappoint, ok?

Because you’ve already established a relationship with Sally Smith, go send her a DM and let her know you were thinking of her.

Send her that post.

Maybe it’s a post that you wrote OR… what if you found a YouTube video that is in alignment with what you offer?

Remember, you want Sally Smith to continue engaging because she is going to buy from you at some point. 

Continue building the relationship, got it?


Unique Shoutouts.


Ready for this? This isn’t your average “spotlight” or “shoutout.”

You don’t want “engagement.”

Engagement without conversion is a waste of time.


What you want is quality engagement from the right people that result in leads or sales.

Go and find a question that someone asked or a win that they achieved. 

Trust is the foundation of any solid relationship, right?


What I want you to do is create a post that acknowledges and answers their question or win.

Tag them in the post.

You’re not JUST celebrating that win or JUST answering that question.

What you’re doing is showing them that you HEAR them. 

You listen to your audience, right?

Give them a shoutout and share why that question was so important. 

Tell your audience why that win is beyond valuable. 

Answer the question and celebrate the win, but add a little “umph” to the post.

Acknowledge, support, answer and make sure the post gives EVERYONE an AHA moment.

End the post with a question that makes people think or have them evaluate what they are doing based on the question.


Maybe you teach people how to build profitable audiences. 

Sally Smith asked you how to keep your audience excited.

You share a post, tag Sally Smith and tell your audience that Sally Smith asked an awesome question that you all need to hear! Because part of building a profitable audience is having an engaged audience that is excited to hear what you have to say. Then, you can provide a brief answer and ask your audience to answer the following question in the comments:

“YES or NO… do you want to see more excitement from your audience?” 

Now, you’re getting people engaged, the question and answer is in alignment to what you offer and you’re bringing together the community.

Go give it a try!





Remember, reading this won’t do the work for you. 

You need to go out there and actually take something simple from this and put it into action. 


None of this will work if you don’t have the right audience, ok?

Want to monetize your audience? Get the sip here.

Time to SCALE.

…and that’s the sip!


Listen to the Sipping Scale podcast.

Elevate and practice your relationship building skills that you can apply to any platform. Sipping Scale is a mentorship podcast that is going to show you how to organically build an engaged audience filled with raving fans, generate leads and increase sales without another strategy.