3 Effective Ways to Request Testimonials

Testimonials are like golden nuggets that showcase the positive impact your products or services have on customers' lives.

We know that many of you have asked, "how do I ask for testimonials... it feels uncomfortable."

You ask, we deliver!

When you ask for testimonials, remember that they can help you to help more people!

Testimonials are social proof that build trust and credibility, ultimately influencing potential customers' decisions.

However, we know that asking for testimonials can feel intimidating or awkward.

In today's SIP, we'll explore three effective and respectful ways to request testimonials that will help your business shine in the eyes of your audience.


1. Timing is Key:

Timing plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of your testimonial requests.

But don't let that overwhelm you, ok?

Aim to ask for testimonials when your customers are most likely to be satisfied with their experience.

This could be shortly after they've received your product or service and had a chance to use it. You want their positive impressions to be fresh in their minds.

  • After a Positive Interaction: If a customer reaches out with positive feedback or expresses satisfaction, this is an excellent opportunity to ask if they'd be willing to provide a testimonial.
  • Upon Successful Completion: If you offer a service, wait until the customer has successfully achieved their desired outcome before requesting a testimonial. Their satisfaction will be at its peak.


2. Personalized and Appreciative Approach:

When asking for testimonials, a generic, automated request can come across as insincere.

So, here's what you're going to do... ready?

Opt for a personalized and appreciative approach that shows your genuine interest in their feedback. Consider these strategies:

  • Email Outreach: Send a personalized email to your customers, expressing your gratitude for their business. Mention specific positive experiences they've had and explain how their testimonial could help others.
  • Direct Message (DM) on Social Media: If you have a strong social media presence, reach out via direct messages. Reference a recent interaction or purchase and ask if they'd be willing to share their thoughts.
  • Phone or Video Call: For a more personal touch, consider contacting your satisfied customers directly via phone or video call. Express your appreciation and discuss how their testimonial could benefit others.

This depends on your business and your industry. 

More importantly, the relationship you have with this person! Keep it authentic and use that amazing voice of yours!

Sometimes our "work voice" can get in the way of being our authentic self. Click here to learn about our "work voices."


3. Provide Easy Guidelines:

What exactly do you want from them in a testimonial?

Think of it that way.

Sometimes, customers hesitate to provide testimonials because they're unsure of what to say.

Make it easier for them by providing clear and concise guidelines.

Suggest topics or questions they can address in their testimonial to ensure it highlights the aspects you want to showcase.

  • Specificity: Encourage them to be specific about their experience. Ask what they liked most about your product or service and how it solved their problem.
  • Results: If applicable, inquire about the measurable results they've achieved after using your product or service.


Bonus Tip: Offer Incentives!

Consider offering a small incentive as a token of appreciation for their time and effort in providing a testimonial.

This could be a discount on their next purchase, exclusive content, or access to a resource.



Asking for testimonials doesn't have to be a daunting task.

Remember, testimonials not only benefit your business but also provide valuable insights into your customers' perspectives, helping you continuously improve your offerings.

Not to mention... it can help you to help more people because as you're building relationships, it builds trust!

You can use these testimonials in your lead magnets as well.

Click here to read about how to create profitable lead magnets!


…and that’s the sip!


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