Should You Pay to Promote in Facebook Groups?


Pay to play.

It is super easy to get access to millions of potential clients and customers using Facebook Groups.

You pay a small monthly fee and you’re able to post in the Facebook Group as if it’s your own.


But is it worth your money?


The short answer is yes.




  • You have an opportunity to connect with more people
  • You can gain more visibility 
  • You can use this as a way to drive traffic to your email list
  • You can post with the intention of gaining more followers
  • You can become an authority figure in the online space 
  • Members can see you’re a Group expert
  • Members who interact with you can click your name and see your posts (hello more traffic)


And you don’t even need your own Facebook Group.


Borrow someone else’s. 


You know why all of the above is so POWERFUL?

Because it’s lead generation!

Use the Facebook Group to find YOUR audience, drive traffic to YOUR preferred space online and nurture them.

Nurturing your audience as it grows will turn cold leads into warm leads and warm leads into buyers. 




By the way… a preferred space online could be:

  • Facebook Group
  • Email
  • Instagram
  • Facebook Page
  • Threads


You get the picture, ok?


I highly recommend paying to post in Facebook Groups because it’s very inexpensive and if done properly, you can use it to:

  • Build that audience
  • Generate leads
  • Increase sales
  • Acquire referrals 


You’re gaining massive visibility in front of the right people.

Now, it takes time and you have to be willing to give it time.

But it works. 


There’s an issue that I want to address before we go any further. 


Thousands of entrepreneurs are “paying to play” in Facebook Groups. 

The issue is that they aren’t using these Facebook Groups intentionally.

They are going into these Facebook Groups where they paid to promote and here is exactly what they are doing wrong:


  • Posting and hoping
  • Not following up on replies
  • Inconsistent action
  • Only posting sales posts
  • Not engaging on other posts
  • Engaging with the wrong people


Do you realize how much exposure you can get by paying to promote in Facebook Groups if you know what you’re doing?




You know the whole topic of “saturation?”

Not a thing for me. 

Just because 1,000 people (for example) are also paying to post in the same Facebook Group, doesn’t mean that your post won’t be seen.

You need to learn how to post and build connections.

When you do this right, then think of it like this:


  • You’re building your own community within the community.
  • The algorithm will prioritize your content in front of those that are engaging with you.


So it doesn’t matter how many people are paying to promote. 


Entrepreneurs who paid to post in Facebook Groups and didn’t have success (mostly because of what I listed above) complain that it doesn’t work. 

They don’t have the relationship building skills, clarity or strategy.

If you are doing any of the above, then you can’t expect to get results.

It really is as simple as that. 

There is ANOTHER problem we must discuss. 

Entrepreneurs sign up to post in these massive Facebook Groups because there are thousands of members.

Naturally, we think, “OMG… thousands of opportunities.”

These entrepreneurs are living in a dream because they see large Facebook Group numbers and see dollar signs everywhere.

As if this Facebook Group is a magical castle and they just opened the gate for you to enter.

And when you enter, people are lined up, bowing down and throwing their credit cards at you.

That’s not how this works.

First, you have to use the space intentionally.

Second, you STILL need to build relationships and you can do this with your posts and through other content in the Facebook Group.

Third, you need to determine which Facebook Group has your target audience.

But that’s one of the reasons people aren’t getting results.



The Facebook Group you pay to promote in is massive, but it doesn’t have your target audience.

This is common and why entrepreneurs aren't getting the results they want... or worse… because they lack strategy, they don’t know how to determine whether or not that Facebook Group even has their target audience.

So as soon as they don’t see results in 3 days, they are OUT. 

Can we point out something else that’s really important?

Small Facebook Groups that have your target audience are going to deliver results if you have a strategy.

  • A strategy you’re willing to test.
  • A strategy you’re willing to consistently implement. 
  • And you must have the mindset to know that this will take time. 

You can click here to read about the power of a small audience.

You can grow your audience, generate leads and increase your income by paying to promote in small and large Facebook Groups.

Be intentional with where you spend your time. 

A Facebook Group that has your target audience and only 150 members could be more profitable for you than a Facebook Group with 150,000 members that are only there for themselves. 

Both large and small Facebook Groups can be profitable audience building and lead generation spaces.

You have to be intentional. 




If you’re going to pay to promote in Facebook Groups, you need to make sure the following boxes are checked, ok?

  • You’re willing to give it 90 days
  • The Group has your target audience
  • You use this as an opportunity to drive traffic somewhere else 
  • Engage in the comments section of OTHER posts
  • Ask for help if you need


If you don’t have a Facebook Group and you don’t like email marketing, then let me suggest something:

Using other Facebook Groups to gain visibility is an easy way to build your audience on any platform.

You can use these Facebook Groups to drive traffic to any platform.

Moving on…


Remember, you’re borrowing SOMEONE ELSE’S audience, which is a HUGE advantage. 


This is simple organic marketing. 

But you can’t forget that you’re paying to play in SOMEONE ELSE’S Facebook Group.




So if you don’t know how to post or how to use this intentionally, you’ll see it as a waste of money.

Learn how to use these Facebook Groups intentionally and it will organically build your business.

Check out the Facebook Group, Social Salad Society.

There are 17,500+ active members that are female entrepreneurs. 

This space is full of women in different industries all over the world that are also consumers.

Maybe your next customer or client is in there, right?

But the other reason it’s really a great space to pay to promote is because there are trainings that come WITH paying to promote on HOW.

THAT is invaluable. 

Click here to pay to promote in Social Salad Society.


…and that’s the sip!


Listen to the Sipping Scale podcast.

Elevate and practice your relationship building skills that you can apply to any platform. Sipping Scale is a mentorship podcast that is going to show you how to organically build an engaged audience filled with raving fans, generate leads and increase sales without another strategy.