5 Ways to Monetize Your Audience


How the heck do you build a profitable audience?

Building an audience is INVALUABLE.

It will produce leads, sales, referrals and infinite opportunities.

But, once you have the audience, how do you actually monetize this?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.



Everything you’re about to read can be applied to just about any platform.

Let me give you the sip.


Sponsored Content.


Collaborate with brands or solopreneurs to create sponsored content. 

Throw vanity metrics in the trash.

You need a quality audience with real engagement from the right people for this to work.

Please don’t get caught up in, “well how many followers or members do I need?”

Your focus should be on the quality of your audience.

This could work with 100,000 followers or members or 100 followers or members. 

Is your content performing well?


Go and find people in alignment with your audience and offer them the opportunity to sponsor content.



This could be a post, a LIVE video, a Masterclass, Training, YouTube video, podcast, event or anything that helps them gain visibility. 

The entire purpose of someone paying to sponsor your content is so that they gain visibility in front of potential clients or customers, right?

They pay you to feature them and their brand. 

Create a list of potential collaborations who may be interested in sponsoring your content and begin reaching out. 


Affiliate Marketing.


Personally, I recommend becoming an affiliate only for the products or services you use. 

It’s easier to sell this way.

Better yet, what products, services or tools will enhance your audiences experience?

Become an affiliate for those companies and share the opportunity with your audience. 

You will receive commission for everyone that signs up with your link.

Create a list and become an affiliate for those tools and services. 

A little sip tip: try to stick to 3 maximum.

This way you have a very clear focus and your audience actually remembers what it is you're recommending. 




Do you have a subscription?

If so, are you creating content that drives traffic specifically to that subscription?

If not, you better get on that ASAP.

Subscriptions create recurring revenue and you can intentionally create an audience that is interested in the solution your subscription provides. 

Create content that draws your audience into signing up for your subscription. 

You can offer premium content to followers on any platform for a recurring fee. 



Use platforms such as Kajabi to easily create a subscription.

You can have this up and running within an hour.

One thing that stopped me for years from creating a subscription was lack of time and I honestly had no idea what platform to use.

Kajabi has allowed me to profit MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. 

I can easily create the website (which can just be a simple landing page), the checkout page and upload all of the content into the backend with the click of a button.

The support is unreal and I highly recommend Kajabi from my own personal experience.  


Physical Products.


AI makes creating just about anything EASIER. 

You can easily create a little shop that has hats, pens, shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, journals or anything else you desire with your logo. 

Share the store with your audience and let them shop your merchandise! 

How fun is that?

Think about merchandise within your niche and get creative. 

This doesn’t require you to ship products or invest much (if any) money into the creation of this store.

Hi drop shipping! 

YouTube will be your BFF for this.

It’s pretty awesome to see your audience rocking your apparel and using your merchandise!


Online Events.


People CRAVE human connection. 

Virtual events allow you to provide solutions and connect with your audience face to face from anywhere in the world. 

Aside from this being a way for you to monetize your audience, this can also create a boost in engagement. 

Create a virtual workshop or training and charge an entrance fee.

This would be a virtual event that you would promote to your audience.

You can run these periodically and even sell the replay to those who were unable to attend.

It’s a great way to monetize your audience and create additional income after the event itself.  

What is something your audience has been wanting to learn from you?

If you don’t teach or coach, who can you bring together for a special virtual retreat?

Try to think outside the box!





There are HUNDREDS of ways to monetize your audience.

Writing the sip today has given me a few ideas of my own!

What are you going to begin implementing?

Don’t just read - take action! 

Pick ONE THING to begin with and give yourself time to test. 

Remember, if you have the wrong audience, this will be ineffective.

You must focus on building, nurturing and enhancing the right audience for your business.

Go out there and get what you desire.

Want to keep your audience excited? Read it about it here or boost your Facebook Group engagement? You can sip on that here.

We are here to SCALE.

…and that’s the sip!


Listen to the Sipping Scale podcast.

Elevate and practice your relationship building skills that you can apply to any platform. Sipping Scale is a mentorship podcast that is going to show you how to organically build an engaged audience filled with raving fans, generate leads and increase sales without another strategy.