How to Use "Promote Yourself" Posts


The fact that people DESPISE these posts in Facebook Groups is absolutely hilarious. 




  1. They are a complete waste of time if you choose to post and ghost.
  2. They are a complete waste of time if you plan on just dropping your information and calling it a day.


What if you approached it with a new perspective. 


The “Promote Yourself” posts are literally a DIRECTORY of potential clients, customers, collaborations and opportunities.


Entrepreneurs in different industries are so quick to drop all of their information.

This makes it EASIER THAN EVER for you to go and connect. 

Imagine you took 10 minutes to go into the Facebook Groups that have your target audience. 

You find the “Promote Yourself” posts. 

Now, let’s say your intention is to grow your own Facebook Group.

Scroll through the comments with that intention in mind. 


Do the following when you see someone that you feel is within your target audience:


  • Check out what they actually posted
  • Do a little research on the links they shared
  • Maybe jump into a free resource if they shared
  • Follow them on social media to capture their attention
  • Join their Facebook Group if they have one
  • Read up on them


If you teach people how to build a profitable audience and your intention is to grow your Facebook Group, then what do you do next?




Before you begin to think, “this is going to take forever…”

Hold up.

When you go on these missions, your goal is to genuinely connect with 3 people that are within your target audience. 

  • Try and do this at least 3 times per week. 
  • Honestly, you can even spend 10 minutes per day connecting with ONE person. 
  • If you work Monday - Friday, then that’s 20 new people in your audience per month.

While that might not sound like a lot, they are the RIGHT people.

Stop focusing on vanity metrics.

If you want to increase sales, then get the right people in your audience. 


Ready to dive into your mission?


You aren’t just going to respond in the comments. 


Let’s be a bit more strategic. 


Get visible. 


The fact that you followed them on social media or joined their Facebook Group is going to capture their interest, right?

If it doesn’t right away, then that’s just fine. 

The first part of your mission is to become visible.

That’s why you want to follow them, join their Facebook Group, email list or all of the above. 

At some point, they will see, “(enter name) just followed you.”

That is exposure. 

All that I want you to do is simply get visible in the most simplistic way. 

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If you’re able to follow them on a public profile such as Instagram, go comment on a few posts. 

You can even just like these posts. 

If you can’t access these profiles yet because they are private, there’s another way.

Go search in the Facebook Group you’re both in and see what else they’ve posted. 

Try and interact with those posts.

Anytime you interact, it MUST be genuine. 

You’re doing this to simply become visible. 

Not to sell right away.

Please and I really mean it… don’t just comment, “love it!” 

Ask a question or try to engage in the conversation. 

These are very simple steps that shouldn’t take you very long. 

As you practice this more, it will become quicker and almost addicting because it WORKS.

So give it time and learn how to interact, engage and post in Facebook Groups.


Mysteriously Connect


The final part of the mission is fun.

You’re going to connect on the “Promote Yourself” post as if you’re just seeing their comment for the first time. 

Go back to the post where you found them and follow up with a genuine comment. 


One thing that is super frustrating in the online space is that people just randomly comment or send DM’s without doing their research. 

I’m all for connecting and selling.

You have to talk to people and put yourself and your offers out there in business.

Hello, you need to sell to keep your business going, right?

So when you take the time to get visible in front of the RIGHT people and you’ve done your research, don’t you think you’re more likely to get a response?

The answer is yes. 


Ok, you have all of their information, right?

Remember when I suggested you tap into one of their free resources?

Or maybe you found a post on their profile that really resonated. 

Leave a reply that acknowledges that. 

Don’t just say, “awesome resource” or “loved that post you wrote!”


If I teach people how to build a profitable audience and I want to grow my Facebook Group using “Promote Yourself” posts, then here’s how I’m going to respond.


“Hey (enter name). That checklist you shared on 5 mistakes graphic designers make was done really well. Can I share that with my audience? They happen to be graphic designers and I think it would be great for them to print out and keep handy!”


This is all assuming that I’m teaching graphic designers how to build a profitable audience. 

Remember, it’s only an example.

Do you see how my response requires a reply?

It’s a real conversation, it’s intentional because I might actually share that resource (hello community building) and they are within my target audience.

When they respond, I’ll say, “Awesome! I’m going to post it in my Facebook Group. Come check it out so I can tag you!” 

Boom. Done. Mic drop. 




I would much rather have 20 QUALITY members that actually engage with my content than 20 random people saying, “love it!”

They are never going to buy from me and you cannot forget that you’re a business owner. 

What I shared is one of many strategies when using the “Promote Yourself” posts. 

Not EVERYONE will reply, so don’t get discouraged. 

Stay consistent.

If you do, you’ll not only begin to receive responses, but you’ll grow your audience (if that’s your goal) and the algorithm will prioritize your content in front of similar people.

More people within your target audience!

That will lead to increased organic growth. 

I seriously encourage you to think about it logically and don’t overly complicate.

Relationship building for audience growth is a skill. 

Keep building that skill and get guidance when needed. 

Click here to learn how to monetize your audience!


…and that’s the sip!


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